Thursday 29 August 2013

Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

Screenshot from 2013-08-29 07:12:12

Here is the earlier version of the story:

US official says Syria crisis is ‘past the point of no return’ as UN members meet
Jim Miklaszewski, Courtney Kube, Keir Simmons, NBC News, Aug 27 2013
Updated: Wed Aug 28 at 19:45:04 GMT

A divided UNSC huddled Wednesday over the crisis in Syria, but a senior US official told NBC News that “we’re past the point of no return” and that airstrikes are expected soon to punish the Syrian regime for using chemical weapons. The five countries with permanent seats on the UNSC held a preliminary meeting… (etc)

And here is the revised version, minus the ‘point of no return’:

Obama on Syria: ‘I have not made a decision’
Jim Miklaszewski, Courtney Kube, Keir Simmons, NBC News, Aug 28 2013
Updated 22 minutes ago

Obama made the case Wednesday for a strike against Syria to send a message and discourage the future use of chemical weapons, but said he had not yet made a decision on whether to take action. “We have not yet made a decision but the international norm against the use of chemical weapons needs to be kept in place,” Obama said in an interview with PBS Newshour… (etc)

But what is decisive is that if you google ‘point of no return’ you still get this:

Screenshot from 2013-08-29 07:23:09

The link points to

which now refers to

Same story number, different headline & text – RB

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