Saturday 25 January 2014

Palmerston's Irregulars

Prime Minister Palmerston conducted, the opium business behind a screen of respectability, in full public view. 

What remained hidden — until the report of the Military Commission that heard evidence on the Lincoln Assassination — was the importance of Palmerston's secret life, as Patriarch of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. 

It does not surprise the modern student that the perpetrators of the narcotics traffic show up in every element of the dirty side of 19th century politics, including presidential assassinations. 

But the extent of the web of criminal networks put in place by Palmerston could have come out of a Gothic horror story, American counterintelligence specialists of the time, such as Edgar Allan Poe and Samuel Morse (1), knew the problem well. 

Palmerston's irregulars, employed in illegal dope trafficking, assassinations, and "Fifth Column" subversions against the United States in the period before and during the Civil War, are the linear ancestors of what is now called organized crime.

the Chinese "Triads," or Societies of Heaven;

the Order of Zion and its American spinoff, the B'nai B'rith;

"Young Italy," whose Sicilian law enforcement arm became known as the Mafia;

the Jesuit Order based in decaying Hapsburg Austria;

Mikhail Bakunin's bomb-throwing anarchist gangs;

nearly every other inhabitant of Britain's political netherworld...

...followed a chain of command that led through the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry directly to Lord Palmerston and his successors. 

The model for the Scottish Rite operation is the ethnic secret society — Jewish, Italian, or Chinese. Closest to hand among Palmerston's agencies was the Order of Zion, a highly specialized dirty tricks operation founded by London-based Hofjuden ("Court Jew") families, whose close ties to the British oligarchy traced back to the founding of the Bank of England, and before that to an alliance with the piratical financiers of post-Renaissance Genoa."

"We can think of Mazzini as the zookeeper of a universal human zoo. Mazzini’s human zoo is divided into theme parks or pavilions, one for each ethnic group. In a normal zoo there is an elephant house, a monkey house, an alligator pond, and the like. In Mazzini’s human zoo there is an Italian house, a Russian house, a Hungarian house, a Polish house, an American house. Let us walk through the various theme parks in the zoo and identify some of the specimens.

Young Italy, as we have seen, was founded in 1831, attracting the young sailor Giuseppe Garibaldi and Louis Napoleon. Shortly thereafter there followed Young Poland, whose leaders included the revolutionaries Lelewel and Worcell. Then came Young Germany, featuring Arnold Ruge, who had published some material by an obscure German “red republican” named Karl Marx. This is the Young Germany satirized by Heinrich Heine. In 1834, Mazzini founded “Young Europe,” with Italian, Swiss, German, and Polish components. Young Europe was billed as the Holy Alliance of the Peoples, opposed to Metternich’s Holy Alliance of despots. By 1835, there was also a Young Switzerland. In that same year Mazzini launched Young France. The guiding light here was Ledru-Rollin, who later became the interior minister in Lamartine’s short-lived Second French Republic of 1848. There was also Young Corsica, which was the Mafia.

By the end of this century we will have a Young Argentina (founded by Garibaldi), Young Bosnia, Young India, Young Russia, Young Armenia, Young Egypt, the Young Czechs, plus similar groupings in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Greece. Mazzini is especially interested in creating a south Slavic federation dominated by Belgrade, and for that reason, he has a Serbian organization. That will have to wait for Mazzini’s student Woodrow Wilson and the Versailles peace conference of 1919. Right now, a Masonic group in the United States is gearing up to support the pro-slavery doughface Franklin Pierce for President in 1852; they are the radical wing of the Democratic Party, and they call themselves Young America. In the future there will be the Young Turks. 

And yes, there is also a Palmerston- Mazzini group for Jews, sometimes called Young Israel, and sometimes called B’nai B’rith.

"For Mazzini, a nationality means a race, a fixed array of behavior like a breed of dog or a species of animal. He is not thinking of a national community united by a literate language and a classical culture to which any person can become assimilated through a political choice. 

For Mazzini, race is unchangeable, and race is destiny. It is a matter of blood and soil. 

Cats fight dogs, French fight Germans, Germans fight Poles, and so on through all eternity. 

These hatreds are the main datum of sensory perception.

Each of Mazzini’s organizations demands immediate national liberation for its own ethnic group on the basis of aggressive chauvinism and expansionism. Mazzini’s warhorse is the Territorial Imperative. Each is obsessed with borders and territory, and each finds a way to oppose and sabotage dirigist economic development. 

Each one is eager to submerge and repress other national groupings in pursuit of its own mystical destiny. 

This is Mazzini’s racist gospel of universal ethnic cleansing.

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