Monday 26 May 2014

Out of the Mouths of Forbes...

"YouTube on the other hand was where Rodger expressed his despair, in video after video “vlogging” the unfairness of the world and his not having a woman in his... the most disturbing favorites I saw in his YouTube videos were eight minutes of the gory Game Of Thrones “Red Wedding” episode and Philosophy of the Knife, a graphic film about Japanese torture during World War II. 

Thrown in among the video game and cartoon videos, they almost seem planted for dramatic effect."

Yeah, ya think...?

None of this is true.

And it's obviously not true. Ignore it, get on with your lives.

Or, don't.

It's not a crisis, it's a completely fictitious event, exactly like Sandy Hook.

It's a totally synthetic event, created out of whole cloth.

It never happened.

Why do you think in the scenario he starts off by stabbing people? 

This is a Strategy of Tension.

No one died at Sandy Hook.

There isn't even a school there.

"The greatest barrier to 9/11 Truth is the Left Liberals." - Webster Tarpley.

As is the case here. The Anti-Gun Lobby is blind to the fact that this is a domestic covert operation, like Operation Chaos, exactly like the Phoenix Programme.

That isn't my opinion, that's historical fact.

And there is a whole stack of dead people behind that fact as evidence that it's true.

If you don't believe me, and don't WANT to believe that it's true, then you answer the question : Why does this never happen in Canada...?

The Right Wing are not the only people who blindly overlay their agenda and prejudices onto every reported tragedy; 

As soon as this happened, half the country stepped up to overlay their own Second Ammendment Lost Cause Victim narrative about Gun Rights, and the other half overplayed their prejudices about Gun Control and Mental Health.

I say, and the evidence shows, your BOTH wrong. And being played.

But no one looks at the evidence.

"This is a mass shooting - we need Gun Control"

"This is a mass shooting - we need Open Carry"

What if....? It ISN'T a Mass Shooting. Which is what appears to be the case.

This is the essence of a Strategy of Tension.

Y'all bin GLADIO'd.

Ya bin took; ya been had....

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