Showing posts with label Atlantis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atlantis. Show all posts

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Battle Bridge Road

Which on the
 inddenta] subjedi of
 visual background
 refemsnce,Ishou]d]ilnstota]<el;hJs opporlLrnQ,r to point out that From Ha! has, Lf ="1»f"=hL_';8' been man dmorougzly redeem vuually than it has in terms of context Eddle's backgrounds are, more often than not, pneclsely referenced shots of the areas mentioned m the hsxt Whale an Thu c1..r.tent chapter he has need largely on the genes of reference photos thntl conveyed to Mm ahner my own jmmt around London, Lm other instances he ha managed to unearth tunrungly obeauve visual nefemenceofh1sown.TheMa.rylebone workhouse
 tenor dqncted Lm
 Chapter One, forexnmple, iS not just m authentic workhouse inhenor of that period Lt ng the actual tenor of the Marylebone workhouse itself felt down to the
 unhelpful leena 'Goa Is Good, God Is Holy,God Is JusE,carved into the clussbeams that support the high, da.rkcdlitg,Sufficeittosagr tllatanqt adequate edpgendbc listing Edd:e'x someone in wav that I am hstmg Mme would be twice as long as das current rnonstrouity, which in itself looks set to end up tunoe as longas the work Bo which it rderl.
 On this page, Gull may;
 nfezleneo to the various ways Lm wluch the mythological Figure of D1-ana may be oorssldered Hts statement that as a symbol she may be oonsldered to represent womanhood and the dreaming,
 l]IlDDII$ turd LS bam out by most wmmentiltors upon
 symbologf, but m tins inetnme I shall Cate Dictionary Qr Symbols by Tom Chetwynd (Paladin Booius, 1982). The reference to Danna as being merely an ancient fairy-tale is self-explammtoxy, but his eeeeltio n that aha may perhaps aka have been a hnslsoneal figure, a "denied princess from lon8ago",needsmcne eaqalamutnon.
 The luetonan Dlodorus Siculus, inBook1II,Chapter5',>'oflnemaeu1ve Lllsrwary of Htl9£ol"y (Loeb Classical LlbraJ'y], states that aocondmg to legend, the moon goddess, Selena, and the sun god, Helios, were once mortdpnnoeendprmmusofanuent
 Atlantis IfAtla.nts were a folk-myth surrounding the culture of ancient Crete, as some wmmentabors have suggested, l;hen it may be Lhact the Sm Gd and his slsllBr the moon goddess wenejust what Gull suggests here, namely deified rulers One strand of evidence m support of tins theory 1: that the oddness, Artemis, yaanothername or the same lunar deity, is said to have been Cretan in on8m As ever, though, the verdict remains open
 PAGES 7 & 8
 to Queen
 Boedlcea hen is according to standard lusuoned reference, but deserves some exparnwnThe Mme, Boadnwa, is based upon a m 1stranscrip|:ion of the works of Tacitus, made by Tudor hJsl1DriaJ1s.
 The 11am¢,a11e8edly, shouldbe more pluperly pronounced 'Boudlca' or 'Boudlgn' Strangely rough_ this 1: -»==="g81v ti! Celtlc eqluvalent of the m am English name, Victoria,
 with both names meaning simply 'vuztorious ons' This information comes from Folk Heroes ofBrituin bY Charles Knightly [Th1 nnes 8: Hudson, 1984) K , wtuy abp Vu an account of the reasoning b3md mppceing Boudioa's 1J'1be, the Iceni, no be rnatnlinenl in dmemr, of Ume rape of her daughters, and of Mr subsequentvengeance-
 clverzed reprisals upon the Roman perpetrators. S rnedbya
 n»=isl=b@w1ns ma
 , the Trlnova.nhls, Boudleds Item pound down upon the Roman eMM&1c; Nr, menacing
 time mI1.eb1tant5, burling the town M the ground and d¢=trv.vi1s the Rornnn 9thLegionwho arrivadfmrn Imearhgrlemolntoo lane to smpthe uprising. Colchester, 1 ncldentally, was later no be the birthplace of William Gull
 Colchester, Boudiods
 army wept down upon London. At dleir qlpluach, the Roman garrison wisely wuahdrew, allowing the Item Mdou0Londonwhar:tl1eyhad done 'no Colchester, only on n much granderscals WhemnLondon next, Met a t1-up to the London Museum a.ndhavealookatthestl'lpod puree of fuck that represents a geological section of the ground bene.nd1 the city Ruling throujl it is n stripe of blackness n half-inch duck, this beingthererultofBoud:c¢'sbuming rage. In ma' wqnenenoe, when men $911 emu, they now at worst leave a dent in the side of the fudge. Heed and bake note
 The orgy of dest:ructl.on vlibed upon London was Boudil:a's
 undoing Had she followed the retreating Roman garrison she may have wiped them out before they were able to joi.n up unto the Fourteenth and Twentieth begmorss who were at the time positioned far away in Wales As it was, however, the Romans were able ho regroup and return to London with renewed forces. A suatamod auxprnse attack such as Boud¢a's revolt light actually have driven the Romans from Briton, at least for a while, but very few arnnescould wand agpmst the Roman war machine once it was properly prepared for battle The Romans recldmed London,
 with Lha Encl battle 11110115 place on the spot now called Battle Badge, _lust behind Kung; Clog: Station It seems that Boudloa and her daughter hook poison when it became wrtaill that the1.r forces would love die banttla. Aocolmts of what happened after this pool; vary: the moot popular legend is that the clamor queen is ounwontbr burned beneathplatform lo a K.zng's Clogs Station Another demon
 mainnnms that :ha was buried at a spot on Pnmroae Hill, one of the London mounds most sacred to the Dnuds, who were BoLld1ca's ashes.
 Other vananta suggest that the Quaens's body was taken away from Roman-occupled London by faithful followers Md burred at a8;ot called Deadquenesmove, near vlllalge of Sllversbom> Northampton fire, dlisaleabemgthe Iutremfilgeof the anc:.ent Britons that the Roman mvaslon had dwplnced.
 Other aourcas consLLl1Jed upon Boad1¢:ajBoudlca Include Aurora by Jenifer Westwood [Paladln Books, 1987), Landon by Christopher Hilbert (lnllglnans, Green 8: Co Ltd 1969); ad TheAquanan Gide to Legendary London, opined by John Manltews 8: Chesca Potter (Aquamn Pleas, 1990) amongst others, mcludmga helplial pamphlet by Chesca Potter entitled Mysterious Kmgis Crwoss (Golden Dawn, 1987).
 Battle Badge Road is a dismal back street bounded by a large gasometer on one side and n vow of Victorian slum housman the other.
 The 1egend'6o People hw Hara' ha boon panned on the aide off endterrace house by some embmtbeved lender: deposited tzherem by the Department al' Social Security Off ho one side Mn: .n winnow and dervelid dleywav name Clarence Passage, the Windows now blind and smashed, with weeds thrusting up between die paving stones. Gu11's eommenizary upon the matriwntral ongms of human society are n paraphraslllg of the notions put forward by Robert Graves M his book The Musa Goddess, iN 'l"l110h he suggests that hanan soclety was mother-cenNerled urltll males finally Figured out their role m procreat1on, at which point some form of
 pnnnarchfd rvevoluutlon took place While Glavss' informedqaeculntions prone a basis l'Qr the theammg of most contemporary feminist hutonans and commentators upon women? mysteries, Lt 1.9 worth poring out that they an Jud thzut: informed spoculatnorn This 1: mt to saythnttheyazeuntrueq amply that Um me unproven.
 For further information and
 speculation upon the l.uurping of female power by men, the reader is referred to Beyond Power': On Melt, Woman 8 Morals by lW=ri]yl:1 French [Jonathan Cape Ltd , 1985) French providesan e:0:el1en1t commentary upon the technique of subjugating womanhood by
 first demoing and destlowing the symlxnls of womanhood, namely the mother goddesses that formed Ume b8sls for our earnest religions, at leestnccordm8to Robert Gravis and has [partly inltultivws) sources.
 PAGES g & no
 G.Lll's amoral n Albion Dive would seam a good aplaoe as any to mentor the bash for the musings upon the all.gl1Jnuentl oflandon that make Up so much of the substance of this chapter. In his ]engLhy and t_fyp 1ca1l5r dense nanatlve poem Loa' Heat (Goldnnuk, Up]>i.nghl.nn, 1987), lam Sinclair bangs the 1eader's attantuon to the clwnmches of Nlcholas Hawksmoor and that aeemmg ahgnnnents, both with each other and wldu other London monuments of note and Important As part of the narrative, Sinclair includes a map Qr the 8 Gveut Churches The £13168 of influence, the mullstble pods qfforce active m this did, which I believe wm drawn by a friend of S 1nclaJr's, the remarkable poet and sculptor Brian Catljng Tels map, while suggestive ofmnany shapes, do not provide the shape that I was looking for until a couple of further points wen added 

Friday 20 May 2016

The Shellfish Thing

Hexaplex trunculus is a medium-sized species of sea snail was found on the north part of Israeli coastal plain near Tel Shikmona

Leviticus 11:9-12

King James Version (KJV)

These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat.
10 And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you:
11 They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination.
12 Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.

A guide from the Ptil Tekhelet Foundation shows how a piece of wool, dipped into the solution for the Hexaplex (Murex) trunculus based dye, turns into leek-like green in sunlight, and eventually into (dark) blue with a purple hue.

Numbers 15 :

37 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,

38 Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue:

39 And it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the Lord, and do them ; and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring:

40 That ye may remember, and do all my commandments, and be holy unto your God.

41 I am the Lord your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am the Lord your God.

Tzitzit (tassel) with blue thread produced from Hexaplex (Murex) trunculus

Structural formula of Hexaplex (Murex) spp. based blue, the tekhelet indigo 
(note the two bromides: in marine environments, 
sodium bromide is abundant, 
not so in terrestrial ones)

 Tekhelet (Hebrew: תכלת təḵêleṯ, "blue-violet", or "blue", or "turquoise" (alternate spellings include tekheleth, t'chelet, techelet and techeiles) is a blue dye mentioned 49 times in the Hebrew Bible/Tanakh. It was used in the clothing of the High Priest, the tapestries in the Tabernacle, and the tassels (Hebrew: ציצית, Tzitzit (or á¹¢iá¹£iyot) [tsiˈtsit], pl. Tzitziyot or á¹¢iá¹£iyot) affixed to the corners of one's four-cornered garment, such as the Tallit (garment worn during prayer, usually).

According to the Talmud, the dye of Tekhelet was produced from a marine creature known as the Ḥillazon (also spelled Chilazon). According to the Tosefta (Men. 9:6), the Ḥillazon is the exclusive source of the dye.

After the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans, the sole use of the Tekhelet dye was in Tzitzit. A set of Tzitzit consists of four tassels, some of their strands being Tekhelet, which Rashi describes as green as “poireau,” the French word for leek, transliterated into Hebrew. There are three opinions in Rabbinic literature as to how many are to be blue: 2 strings; 1 string; 1 half string. These strands are then threaded and hang down, appearing to be eight. The four strands are passed through a hole 25 to 50 mm away from the corners of the four-cornered cloth.

Making Sense of Kosher Laws - Biblical Archaeology Society

Biblical Archaeology Society Staff
This Bible History Daily feature was originally published in July 2012. It has been updated.—Ed.

The origins of Jewish dietary or kosher laws (kashrut) have long been the subject of scholarly research and debate. Regardless of their origins, however, these age-old laws continue to have a significant impact on the way many observant Jews go about their daily lives. One of the more well-known restrictions is the injunction against mixing meat with dairy products. Not only do most Jews who observe kashrut avoid eating any meat and milk products together, many also wait a certain amount of time—30 minutes to a few hours—between eating meat and dairy. Everything the foods touch must be kept completely separate. A fully kosher household, for example, might have two or more different sets of flatware, tableware and cooking ware for making and serving meat dishes separate from dairy-based dishes. Some families even use two different dishwashers in order to maintain the separation. Outside the house, some Jews keep kosher by eating only at kosher restaurants while others have no problem eating non-kosher foods, so long as they maintain a kosher home.
But what are some of the other laws of kashrut, and how are they to be explained? Many of the dietary restrictions outlined in Deuteronomy and Leviticus prohibit the consumption of certain “unclean” animals that either don’t chew their cud or don’t have cloven hooves, such as pigs, camels and rabbits. Likewise, while the Hebrew Bible permits the eating of fish with fins and scales, shellfish like lobsters and crabs are an abomination. Why were such seemingly innocuous physiological traits so objectionable to the early Israelites?
One possible reason may be that the Israelites wanted some way to distinguish themselves from their non-Hebrew neighbors. Archaeological excavations of Iron Age I sites in Israel have shown that while pigs were a popular part of the Philistine diet, they were entirely absent from the herd-based economy of the Israelites. According to Ronald Hendel, such culinary distinctions soon became codified markers of cultural identity, whereby “the Philistine treat became an Israelite taboo.”
Perhaps similar efforts to affirm Israel’s uniqueness lay at the heart of other animal prohibitions.
But according to kashrut, even permissible animals have to be prepared in a certain way in order to remain kosher. As explained in Deuteronomy 12:23-24, for example, the blood of a slaughtered animal cannot be ingested, for “the blood is the life, and you shall not eat the life with the flesh.” The Israelites, like many ancient peoples, believed that an animal’s blood carried the soul of the animal and therefore should not be consumed.** Thus, before a piece of meat could be cooked, it had to be fully drained of its blood. Though not discussed in the Bible, traditional kosher methods for doing this include broiling the meat or a combination of soaking and salting.
Kosher law also forbids the consumption of wine that has been made, bottled or handled by non-Jews. Although this prohibition does not appear in the Hebrew Bible, it seems to have been followed as early as the second century A.D. In antiquity, wine was often used in libation rituals to various deities; for Jews this meant that any “pagan” wine could potentially have been made or used as a sacrifice to a foreign god. Thus, in order to avoid coming into contact with contaminated wine, Jews began making and bottling their own wine in accordance with Jewish law.


*Ronald S. Hendel, “Of Sacred Leopards and Abominable Pigs,” Bible Review, October 2000.
**Bryan Bibb, “What’s a Pleasing Sacrifice?” Bible Review, October 2004.


“We started talking Red and Blue,” 
Prince said. 

"So here’s how it is: you’ve got the Republicans, and basically they want to live according to this.” 

He pointed to a Bible. 

And then on the opposite end of the spectrum you’ve got blue, you’ve got the Democrats, and they’re, like, 
‘You can do whatever you want.’ 
Gay marriage, whatever. 

But neither of them is right.”

Purple does not exist in nature - it is the product of mixing together (alchemically), 
The Red and The Blue :

Communism + Capitalism

Republican + Democrat

Man + Woman


“Purple exceeds all colors in costliness and superiority of its delightful effect. It is obtained from a marine shellfish. …It has not the same shade in all the places where it is found, but is naturally qualified by the course of the sun”.

- Vitruvius 

Vitruvian Man

"The most favourable season for taking these [shellfish] is after the rising of the Dog-star, or else before spring; for when they have once discharged their waxy secretion, their juices have no consistency: this, however, is a fact unknown in the dyers' workshops, although it is a point of primary importance. 

After it is taken, the vein [i.e. hypobranchial gland] is extracted, which we have previously spoken of, to which it is requisite to add salt, a sextarius [about 20 fl. oz.] about to every hundred pounds of juice. It is sufficient to leave them to steep for a period of three days, and no more, for the fresher they are, the greater virtue there is in the liquor. 

It is then set to boil in vessels of tin [or lead], and every hundred amphoræ ought to be boiled down to five hundred pounds of dye, by the application of a moderate heat; for which purpose the vessel is placed at the end of a long funnel, which communicates with the furnace; while thus boiling, the liquor is skimmed from time to time, and with it the flesh, which necessarily adheres to the veins. 

About the tenth day, generally, the whole contents of the cauldron are in a liquefied state, upon which a fleece, from which the grease has been cleansed, is plunged into it by way of making trial; but until such time as the colour is found to satisfy the wishes of those preparing it, the liquor is still kept on the boil. 

The tint that inclines to red is looked upon as inferior to that which is of a blackish hue. The wool is left to lie in soak for five hours, and then, after carding it, it is thrown in again, until it has fully imbibed the colour.

Pliny The Elder

"Honorary Badges of distinction are to be conferred on the veteran Non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the army who have served more than three years with bravery, fidelity and good conduct; for this purpose a narrow piece of white cloath [sic] of an angular form is to be fixed to the left arm on the uniform Coat. Non commissioned officers and soldiers who have served with equal reputation more than six years are to be distinguished by two pieces of cloth set in parellel [sic] to each other in a simular [sic] form; should any who are not entitled to these honors have the insolence to assume the badges of them they shall be severely punished. On the other hand it is expected those gallant men who are thus designated will on all occasions be treated with particular confidence and consideration. "

George Washington's General Orders of August 7, 1782

Purple doesn't actually exist.

It's not in between Blue and Indigo, and it isn't between Indigo and Violet.

The Torah is written in code - several codes.

Every letter in Hebrew corresponds to a number, they didn't (and don't) have distinct systems of alphanumeric notation - that's in fact where the "Minus Six Million" messianic prophecy comes from.

The Hebrew characters for "Man" ("Adam") and "Woman" carry the numerical value of 1 and 2 respectively, while the character for "Child" corresponds to 3.

Purple does not exist in nature.

The only way to create Purple is by combining The Red with The Blue.

Does this sound silly? Well, it isn't. Black and White are non-existent colours also.

The Roman Republic first associated Purple with Civic Royalty and high, noble birth. Being able to afford it was sign you were descended from a great line of gods and heroes, going back to Mount Olympus. It was Constantine who first associated it with the High Catholic Clergy.

They were buying it from the Phoenicians, who were they only ones who knew how to extract a pure purple dye (in truly minuscule quantities) from this one specific species of sea snail they cultivated indoors and commercially, just as they did with oysters, muscles and other molloscs.

That snail is uniquely indigenous to those areas of the Mediterranean that were major centres on the Phoenician trade routes, and appears to have been first been introduced and exploited commercially by antedeluvian survivors of The Flood and refugees from Atlantis.

Recently, Prince hosted an executive who works for Philip Anschutz, the Christian businessman whose company owns the Staples Center. “We started talking Red and Blue,” Prince said. 

“People with money—money like that—are not affected by the stock market, and they’re not freaking out over anything. [The Green] They’re just watching. So here’s how it is: you’ve got the Republicans, and basically they want to live according to this.” He pointed to a Bible. “But there’s the problem of interpretation, and you’ve got some churches, some people, basically doing things and saying it comes from here, but it doesn’t. 

And then on the opposite end of the spectrum you’ve got blue, you’ve got the Democrats, and they’re, like, ‘You can do whatever you want.’ Gay marriage, whatever. But neither of them is right.”

When asked about his perspective on social issues—gay marriage, abortion—Prince tapped his Bible and said, “God came to earth and saw people sticking it wherever and doing it with whatever, and he just cleared it all out. 

He was, like, ‘Enough.’

That's why the sky is all Purple in 1999, why the rain is Purple, why Purple is Royal, and seductive and sexual.

Purple does not exist in nature - it is the product of mixing together (alchemically), The Red and The Blue :

Communism + Capitalism

Republican + Democrat

Man + Woman


Atlantis, the Antediluvian World

by Ignatius Donnelly, [1882], 


p. 308



NOT alone were the gods of the Greeks the deified kings of Atlantis, but we find that the mythology of the Phœnicians was drawn from the same source.

For instance, we find in the Phœnician cosmogony that the Titans (Rephaim) derive their origin from the Phœnician gods Agrus and Agrotus. This connects the Phœnicians with that island in the remote west, in the midst of ocean, where, according to the Greeks, the Titans dwelt.

According to Sanchoniathon, Ouranos was the son of Autochthon, and, according to Plato, Autochthon was one of the ten kings of Atlantis. He married his sister Ge. He is the Uranos of the Greeks, who was the son of Gæa (the earth), whom he married. The PhÅ“nicians tell us, "Ouranos had by Ge four sons: Ilus (El), who is called Chronos, and Betylus (Beth-El), and Dagon, which signifies bread-corn, and Atlas (Tammuz?)." Here, again, we have the names of two other kings of Atlantis. These four sons probably represented four races, the offspring of the earth. The Greek Uranos was the father of Chronos, and the ancestor of Atlas. The PhÅ“nician god Ouranos had a great many other wives: his wife Ge was jealous; they quarrelled, and he attempted to kill the children he had by her. This is the legend which the Greeks told of Zeus and Juno. In the PhÅ“nician mythology Chronos raised a rebellion against Ouranos, and, after a great battle, dethroned him. In the Greek legends it is Zeus who attacks and overthrows his father, Chronos. Ouranos had a daughter called Astarte

p. 309

[paragraph continues] (Ashtoreth), another called Rhea. "And Dagon, after he had found out bread-corn and the plough, was called Zeus-Arotrius."

We find also, in the Phœnician legends, mention made of Poseidon, founder and king of Atlantis.

Chronos gave Attica to his daughter Athena, as in the Greek legends. In a time of plague be sacrificed his son to Ouranos, and "circumcised himself, and compelled his allies to do the same thing." It would thus appear that this singular rite, practised as we have seen by the Atlantidæ of the Old and New Worlds, the Egyptians, the Phœnicians, the Hebrews, the Ethiopians, the Mexicans, and the red men of America, dates back, as we might have expected, to Atlantis.

"Chronos visits the different regions of the habitable world."

He gave Egypt as a kingdom to the god Taaut, who had invented the alphabet. The Egyptians called him Thoth, and he was represented among them as "the god of letters, the clerk of the under-world," bearing a tablet, pen, and palm-branch.

This not only connects the Phœnicians with Atlantis, but shows the relations of Egyptian civilization to both Atlantis and the Phœnicians.

There can be no doubt that the royal personages who formed the gods of Greece were also the gods of the Phœnicians. We have seen the Autochthon of Plato reappearing in the Autochthon of the Phœnicians; the Atlas of Plato in the Atlas of the Phœnicians; the Poseidon of Plato in the Poseidon of the Phœnicians; while the kings Mestor and Mneseus of Plato are probably the gods Misor and Amynus of the Phœnicians.

Sanchoniathon tells us, after narrating all the discoveries by which the people advanced to civilization, that the Cabiri set down their records of the past by the command of the god Taaut, "and they delivered them to their successors and to foreigners, of whom one was Isiris (Osiris), the inventor of the three letters, the brother of Chua, who is called the first Phœnician."

p. 310

[paragraph continues] (Lenormant and Chevallier, "Ancient History of the East," vol. ii., p. 228.)

This would show that the first Phœnician came long after this line of the kings or gods, and that he was a foreigner, as compared with them; and, therefore, that it could not have been the Phœnicians proper who made the several inventions narrated by Sanchoniathon, but some other race, from whom the Phœnicians might have been descended.

And in the delivery of their records to the foreigner Osiris, the god of Egypt, we have another evidence that Egypt derived her civilization from Atlantis.

Max Müller says:

"The Semitic languages also are all varieties of one form of speech. Though we do not know that primitive language from which the Semitic dialects diverged, yet we know that at one time such language must have existed. . . . We cannot derive Hebrew from Sanscrit, or Sanscrit from Hebrew; but we can well understand bow both may have proceeded from one common source. They are both channels supplied from one river, and they carry, though not always on the surface, floating materials of language which challenge comparison, and have already yielded satisfactory results to careful analyzers." ("Outlines of Philosophy of History," vol. i., p. 475.)

There was an ancient tradition among the Persians that the PhÅ“nicians migrated from the shores of the Erythræan Sea, and this has been supposed to mean the Persian Gulf; but there was a very old city of Erythia, in utter ruin in the time of Strabo, which was built in some ancient age, long before the founding of Gades, near the site of that town, on the Atlantic coast of Spain. May not this town of Erythia have given its name to the adjacent sea? And this may have been the starting-point of the PhÅ“nicians in their European migrations. It would even appear that there was an island of Erythea. In the Greek mythology the tenth labor of Hercules consisted in driving away the cattle of Geryon, who lived in the island of Erythea, "an island somewhere in the remote west, beyond the 

p. 311

[paragraph continues] Pillars of Hercules." (Murray's "Mythology," p. 257.) Hercules stole the cattle from this remote oceanic island, and, returning drove them "through Iberia, Gaul, over the Alps, and through Italy." (Ibid.) It is probable that a people emigrating from the Erythræan Sea, that is, from the Atlantic, first gave their name to a town on the coast of Spain, and at a later date to the Persian Gulf--as we have seen the name of York carried from England to the banks of the Hudson, and then to the Arctic Circle.

The builders of the Central American cities are reported to have been a bearded race. The Phœnicians, in common with the Indians, practised human sacrifices to a great extent; they worshipped fire and water, adopted the names of the animals whose skins they wore--that is to say, they had the totemic system--telegraphed by means of fires, poisoned their arrows, offered peace before beginning battle, and used drums. (Bancroft's "Native Races," vol. v., p. 77.)

The extent of country covered by the commerce of the Phœnicians represents to some degree the area of the old Atlantean Empire. Their colonies and trading-posts extended east and west from the shores of the Black Sea, through the Mediterranean to the west coast of Africa and of Spain, and around to Ireland and England; while from north to south they ranged from the Baltic to the Persian Gulf. They touched every point where civilization in later ages made its appearance. Strabo estimated that they had three hundred cities along the west coast of Africa. When Columbus sailed to discover a new world, or re-discover an old one, he took his departure from a Phœnician seaport, founded by that great race two thousand five hundred years previously. This Atlantean sailor, with his Phœnician features, sailing from an Atlantean port, simply re-opened the path of commerce and colonization which had been closed when Plato's island sunk in the sea. And it is a curious fact that Columbus had the antediluvian world in his mind's eye even then, for when he reached the mouth of

p. 312

the Orinoco he thought it was the river Gihon, that flowed out of Paradise, and he wrote home to Spain, "There are here great indications suggesting the proximity of the earthly Paradise, for not only does it correspond in mathematical position with the opinions of the holy and learned theologians, but all other signs concur to make it probable."

Sanchoniathon claims that the learning of Egypt, Greece, and Judæa was derived from the Phœnicians. It would appear probable that, while other races represent the conquests or colonizations of Atlantis, the Phœnicians succeeded to their arts, sciences, and especially their commercial supremacy; and hence the close resemblances which we have found to exist between the Hebrews, a branch of the Phœnician stock, and the people of America.

Upon the Syrian sea the people live
Who style themselves Phœnicians. . . .
These were the first great founders of the world--
Founders of cities and of mighty states--
Who showed a path through seas before unknown.
In the first ages, when the sons of men
Knew not which way to turn them, they assigned
To each his first department; they bestowed
Of land a portion and of sea a lot,
And sent each wandering tribe far off to share
A different soil and climate. Hence arose
The great diversity, so plainly seen,
'Mid nations widely severed.

Dyonysius of Susiana, A.D. 3,